After reading 10 Things I Never Thought I’d Say, by the Domestic Goddess, I had to weigh in with my own top 10. Manhattan Sister will tell you that having a phone call with me can be a little disconcerting. She can never be quite sure if I’m telling her or one of the children to, “Stop doing that right now!” Here are some good ones I’ve said before realizing what was coming out of my mouth.
10. Please get down off the top of the refrigerator.
9. Why is there a guinea pig in my living room?
8. Your artwork is beautiful, but please! On paper – not the walls.
7. For the last time! Stop putting the dog in the dryer!
6. I know you like rolling down hills, but I am very certain that the stairs aren't as comfortable...
5. Oatmeal is not a finger food.
4. Please stop licking your sister.
3. I understand that a slushy is juicy, but that still doesn’t make it a fruit.
2. Please play my grandmother’s antique piano with your fingers, not your toes. Or the heels of your cowgirl boots.
1. The last is a montage of things my mother and father said to me that I swore I’d never repeat (but do, in some part, on a regular basis): If you don’t stop filling the air with noise, then I will take your bedroom door off the hinges! And no, you can’t have those jeans, even if everyone else has them. Would you jump off the Brooklyn Bridge if everyone else did? Stop knocking your sister over, because she is the only one you’re getting. Everything is all fun and games until someone loses an eye or breaks an arm! Now sit down because you make a better door than a window, and get a snack quickly because the refrigerator is not a television. Shush! BECAUSE I SAID SO!
This is not a list to be read while taking a drink...unless you enjoy spitting your drink all over your computer (and then having to clean it up). Hilarious!
Posted by: Heather H | 10/17/2011 at 03:44 PM
I always say things that sound like my Mom... it's true.. it happens!!
Posted by: Jess | 10/16/2011 at 09:20 PM
LOl! It's amazing the crazy happenings that come with motherhood. My 3-year-old has stopped coloring on the walls. Now he only colors on the tile floor.
Posted by: Grumpy Grateful Mom | 10/15/2011 at 10:41 AM
I laughed out loud!
Posted by: Pat | 10/15/2011 at 09:21 AM