Posted at 06:02 AM in Super-Stellar Parenting, We have SO many kids, Wordless Wednesday | Permalink | Comments (0)
For an explanation of why I don't have a new post for you today, please peruse one of the following:
If you're Looking for Me, I'm in the Pantry. And I took the Rum
Oh, who am I kidding? It is freakin' insane over here. Read ANY of the posts from the past year and you'll figure out why there's no new one today! I'll write you a new one for next week as soon as I'm done supervising homework and piano lessons, decorating 82 cupcakes, writing lesson plans and figuring out why the stupid dog won't go outside. Oh! And shoveling the snow.
Posted at 05:52 PM in Adult Beverages, Complete Chaos, We have SO many kids | Permalink | Comments (0)
Posted at 05:57 AM in 12-Year-Olds, I know it's cheesy, but my husband rocks, We have SO many kids, Wordless Wednesday | Permalink | Comments (1)
Tags: Captain Hook, Halloween, handmade costumes, Justin Bieber, Peter Pan, pirates, Tinkerbelle, Trick or treat, Wendy
I saw my husband for about an hour today…in 15 second intervals.
At 7am, I saw him for 15 seconds while I raced out the door with 6 kids in tow.
At 11:15 am, I saw him out my classroom window when he texted me “unlock the doors to your car,” because Levi had left his backpack in my trunk.
At 12:20, I saw him when he ran into my classroom, threw my forgotten lunch to me and then flew off to get Gabby to preschool on time.
At 3:45, I ran into the house after school and passed him as he ran out so that he could watch the first half of Sam’s football game. He sent me text message updates while I organized the girls for their piano lesson and tried to do the dishes.
At 4:45, we waved lovingly at each other as we drove by in opposite directions when we switched places at halftime. I was armed with the camera so that I could embarrass Sam by making him pose for a photo – serves him right for forgetting his picture envelope on professional photo day!
At 5:45, we waved again, this time as he was taking some kids to soccer and I was flying home to meet the ones still in piano lessons. (I think our piano teacher thinks we’re nuts. I’m just thankful there’s another adult in the house so we can leave some kids there for a minute or two!)
At 6:15, I arrived at the soccer game with the last piano-player and thought we would finally get a few minutes to chat. Then my phone rang. Sam had taken the bus back to school after his game and thought he had a ride home, but alas…
At 7:00, when the soccer game ended, we saw each other for a frantic 11 seconds while the girls ran into the house, flinging clothing as they went up the stairs so that they could change and get back out the door for the basketball practice we had forgotten about which started at 7:20.
We were technically in the same house from 8:15 to 9:15, but I’m not sure we ever even made eye contact! Between finishing homework, laying out clothes and finding all the pieces of everyone’s backpacks for tomorrow, we just shouted information up and down the stairs:
Down: Location of Dora the Explorer Backpack??
Up: Got it!
Down: Do the girls need gym shoes tomorrow?
Outside: Do you girls need gym shoes tomorrow?
Inside: No!
Up: No!
Down: Levi just said he’s Star of the Week! Do you know anything about this?
Text to Levi’s Mom: Do you know anything about Star of the Week?
Text back: Yup! Done.
(Phew. Thank goodness there are so many adults in this equation.)
Up: Yup! Done!
Down: Where’s the Guinea Pig?
Up: What?!?!?
You get the idea…
At 9:15, I saw my husband for approximately 9 second before we both completely passed out. Maybe we’ll have a conversation tomorrow.
Posted at 06:12 AM in 12-Year-Olds, Complete Chaos, School, Sports, We have SO many kids, Why I Need a Nanny | Permalink | Comments (1)
After reading 10 Things I Never Thought I’d Say, by the Domestic Goddess, I had to weigh in with my own top 10. Manhattan Sister will tell you that having a phone call with me can be a little disconcerting. She can never be quite sure if I’m telling her or one of the children to, “Stop doing that right now!” Here are some good ones I’ve said before realizing what was coming out of my mouth.
10. Please get down off the top of the refrigerator.
9. Why is there a guinea pig in my living room?
8. Your artwork is beautiful, but please! On paper – not the walls.
7. For the last time! Stop putting the dog in the dryer!
6. I know you like rolling down hills, but I am very certain that the stairs aren't as comfortable...
5. Oatmeal is not a finger food.
4. Please stop licking your sister.
3. I understand that a slushy is juicy, but that still doesn’t make it a fruit.
2. Please play my grandmother’s antique piano with your fingers, not your toes. Or the heels of your cowgirl boots.
1. The last is a montage of things my mother and father said to me that I swore I’d never repeat (but do, in some part, on a regular basis): If you don’t stop filling the air with noise, then I will take your bedroom door off the hinges! And no, you can’t have those jeans, even if everyone else has them. Would you jump off the Brooklyn Bridge if everyone else did? Stop knocking your sister over, because she is the only one you’re getting. Everything is all fun and games until someone loses an eye or breaks an arm! Now sit down because you make a better door than a window, and get a snack quickly because the refrigerator is not a television. Shush! BECAUSE I SAID SO!
Posted at 08:32 AM in Complete Chaos, Grandparents, Manhattan Sister, Super-Stellar Parenting, We have SO many kids | Permalink | Comments (4)
Tags: Because I said so!, Domestic Goddess, Top !0 Things I thought I'd never Say
One of the tiles on my kitchen floor is cracked. (It is cracked because I dropped a jar of tomato sauce on it, but that’s not really relevant, is it?) So, I’ve been investigating different options for replacing the kitchen floor. Of course, while looking at kitchen floors in the home-improvement store, (3 hours away because OUR town is WAY too small for things like THAT…) I became a little distracted. I do that sometimes. So I’ve started a list of other home renovations that would greatly improve our family life.
I’ll start in the kitchen. Aside from the new floor made of something super-durable (read: won’t scratch when the kids ride skate boards on it, and won’t break when I drop stuff on it) I will need new appliances. We need a self-cleaning double oven, a self-cleaning microwave and, if possible a self-cleaning counter. They make that, right? I could use two full sized fridges – one for milk, and one for everything else. Then maybe I won’t have to go to the grocery store Every. Single. Day. We will also need new cabinets, all up over the head of the tallest child, so they can’t take everything out and leave it on the counter. Except I’m not really that tall either, so we’ll need to make sure that at least the liquor cabinet is down low enough to be reachable. Yeah. That’s right. Cereal, snacks and everything else up high. Wine where I can reach it. Perhaps we can have adjustable height cabinets so that as the kids grow taller and their indiscretions change we can keep one step ahead of them. Or at least one step higher. Oh! And we need a chef.
The playroom we have is lovely, and just large enough to contain the enormous mess my children create in it every day. The only modification it needs is sound-proofing. And maybe rubber walls. And some type of apparatus that automatically disposes of any toys or game parts that have been left on the floor for more than 30 days.
Our dining room is only about 2 feet larger than our gi-normous table, so maybe we could extend that a little bit. The floor in there needs replacing too. I’m thinking poured cement with a drain in the middle so I can just hose down the whole room after dinner.
Next up, as long as we’re into a little remodeling, could be an add-on room for pets. Since we last spoke, we had a little hamster catastrophe. You see, it appears hamsters don’t actually want to live together. It also appears that hamsters, when forced to live together, will kill each other. Gross. And it also seems that the man at the pet store didn’t think that was an important thing to tell me. The children recovered quickly when we promised to upgrade to a guinea pig. Now we have to build a new room so we have someplace to put the humungous guinea pig cage. We’ll also need to keep Brady and Alice in there. Hmm… Huge naughty dog and little stupid dog in the same room with a small rodent? Maybe we need two “pet rooms.” Or, maybe we need fewer pets.
Moving outdoors, perhaps some sort of magnetic field that would pull all the toys back into the garage, so they don’t lay in our yard until the dogs chew them up?
So aside from replacing all of the carpet the stupid dogs ruined and repainting over all of the kids’ fingerprints on every single surface, I think that’s about it.
Posted at 07:20 AM in Adult Beverages, Super-Stellar Parenting, The Dogs, We have SO many kids | Permalink | Comments (3)
Tags: kid-proof home, remodeling, renovations
There are 12 signs that we MAY be living in a house with 6 children:
1. Our Back-To-School shopping load requires a small trailer to transport it home.
2. One day’s worth of clean laundry is enough to cover Bill’s side of the bed.
3. And when folded, said laundry takes 4-5 trips back and forth to closets to put it away.
4. Even though we can usually make it so that our home gives off the impression of being neat and organized…
…open any cabinet door and find out the truth: The children’s junk is taking over.
5. This is what my calendar looks like. Every Month.
6. This is what my kitchen floor looks like. Every day.
(Note the “remove your shoes” sign hanging above the empty drawer where the shoes belong!)
7. Everyone has a job. (But no-one ever does them…)
8. We have the biggest dining room table available in South Dakota.
9. And a garage so full of bicycles that there’s no room for cars.
10. We’re running out of wall space.
11. The playroom looks like this:
(The playroom was too hazardous to walk into to take the picture, so you’ll have to use your imagination…)
The twelfth and final sign that I am living in a house with 6 kids is this:
Yes, that glass holds the entire bottle.
Facebook - I've started giving my kids 5 minute time outs every time I find something they just left out so that they see that my time is far they've had TO's for plates on the table, bandaid wrappers, shoes on the kitchen floor and a bicycle on the tennis court. Bets on how long before they just start picking their $±{# up?
Posted at 07:57 AM in Adult Beverages, Complete Chaos, The Mall, We have SO many kids | Permalink | Comments (1)
Tags: Back to school shopping, Children's Place, Gap, hiding clutter, job chart, laundry, Macy's, planner, Wine glass holds whole bottle
I have a schedule. In my daily planner, I write down everything that must happen that day, and at exactly what time it should happen. The rest of the day then becomes a knock-down-drag-out battle against the universe to stick to that schedule.
Today, the universe won.
I write this now, camped out on the living room floor. As we wait for Bill to return from a week away on business, we are eating the world’s laziest dinner – hot dogs rolled up in crescent rolls. No vegetables. The kids are drinking orange soda. On the white carpet. I don’t care. I have succumbed to this day. I probably don’t have to tell you about the class of wine that is balanced rebelliously on my computer. If you’ve been reading this blog for any meaningful amount of time, you already knew it was there.
Today’s disaster actually begins a few weeks ago. As you know, we were suckered into buying Freakin' Hamsters for our daughters at the end of the summer. Around the same time, I received another pleading email from the soccer concession stand coordinator. For some reason, this time, her guilt trip worked and I agreed to work in the stand a few times. (Because I didn’t already dread soccer enough …now I get to make hotdogs and walking tacos all morning!)
These two decisions collided as I walked in this morning for my first day as a volunteer. I learned how to make hot pretzels and find every imaginable color of Gatorade. I learned how to determine the difference between the bucket of regular gummy worms and the sour ones. I learned how to work the hot chocolate machine (because where I live, it is 40 degrees on September 17…). I did not, however, learn to successfully make change. There’s clearly a reason I’m an English teacher, not a math one.
Any way, about 15 minutes into my shift, my phone rang. As my new friends – the other guilt-tripped mommies – laughed at my Brady Bunch ringtone, I slipped out and answered the call from home. It was Emily. It was about the Freakin’ Hamsters. Now, I have received hysterical Freakin’ Hamster-related phone calls about once a day since we first gave in to the ridiculous idea.
“One got out!”
“They all got out!”
“Mine’s stuck in the tube!”
“They’re fighting!”
“Hannah said mine is ugly!”
“They’re out again!”
But this phone call was the worst. One of those stinkin’ rodents just up and died on me. Great. My first thought, I will admit, was “Three to go…” but that’s only because I was exhausted from staying up all night wondering if hamsters could climb bedskirts – the latest one had been lost while having a semi-supervised adventure in my bedroom. Freakin’ Hamsters. This, however, was a tragedy of new proportions.
I calmed the children, encouraged them to get ready for their soccer game and quickly returned to my soccer-mom duties at the popcorn machine. A few minutes later, the kids arrived at soccer in pleasant moods, encouraged, perhaps, by the idea that now Mommy was BEHIND the counter, and therefore couldn’t possibly say no to a treat. $40 later, I left my post and joined them on the sidelines to watch the big girls freeze their butts off while trying to play soccer.
After the game, I had 2 hours and 15 minutes to get to the grocery store, the mall and home before returning to the field for soccer pictures (because I need another $13 team photo that looks exactly the same as last year but with a different colored jersey). We raced through the grocery store, picking up a week’s worth of groceries for eight in less than 25 minutes. Of course, I also spent about twice as much as I planned... but at least we were fast.
Then, we ran into the mall. Gabby has a great week planned at preschool next week – they are learning the colors! This is very exciting and means that she gets to wear a new head-to-toe color each day. Great! Except our child does not currently own head-to-toe outfits in every color of the rainbow. As the children and I raced through JC Penney looking for green pants, an orange pair of socks and yellow shoelaces, my phone rang. Since all of the children were with me and the three surviving hamsters can’t dial a phone, I braced myself. Turns out they had pushed soccer pictures up by 15 minutes.
Forget the socks. I’ll just paint her toenails orange. We’re outta here.
We raced into the soccer field with 36 seconds to spare. Thankfully it was colder than the refrigerator out there, so we didn’t have to worry about the groceries going bad in car while we waited for ten 9-year-olds to smile at the same time.
We went home afterward and unloaded the groceries. Inside the kitchen, we were surprised to find a bee, which, being the only adult in the house at the time, I was obliged to kill. I chased it around for a while, screaming like a girl, until finally, it landed in the sink. Seizing my opportunity, I drowned the sucker in the garbage disposal.
Taking a breath, I thought, there is definitely a reason this parenting thing is supposed to be done in pairs.
Facebook – I just put my Special K cereal in a bowl of ice cream. That counts, right? #thatkindofday #fiveoclockyet?
As I finished the thorough house cleaning I had begun earlier in the morning, I noticed another bee - this one downstairs while starting the dryer. Weird that bee season is so late here, I thought, but I’m still getting used to this climate, so I went with it. This time, though, I just closed it into the laundry room and ran away. Sounds like a pretty good reason to stop doing laundry if you ask me!
Back upstairs I noticed that there was something weird spread all over the backyard. Upon closer examination, I realized that it was an archery target completely destroyed by the stupid dog.
Facebook – Dear Bill, Just out of curiosity, how much does one of those stuffed archery targets cost? And, hypothetically, if something – let’s say a dog – were to EAT the stuffing out of one, would it be toxic? No reason, just doing some, err, research…Love Jody (and, perhaps, Brady?)
Back inside after cleaning up the destruction in the back yard, I heard a shriek from upstairs. My daughter, dressing for her second soccer game of the day (because of course there were two) had been stung by a bee on her foot. Without enough time to calm her, treat it AND get to soccer, I texted the coach – sorry: we’re out.
I treated the wound, hugged and kissed the wounded, and tried to get my day back on track. There were still at least nine things on my to-do list that hadn’t been tackled yet.
Then I saw another bee.
And realized this wasn’t a coincedence.
And then we found the nest.
Facebook – And because we’re having SUCH a stellar day, bees have built a nest inside my house. Yes. You heard me right. Bees. Inside.
I gave up. I had only enough strength left to roll the hot dogs into the crescent rolls and open the bottle of wine.
That’s when I heard the crash upstairs. I ran into my bedroom to find the light fixture hanging from the ceiling.
Facebook - Dear Bill, Something happened. Time to come home now. Love, your frazzled wife, lunatic children, 3 (not 4) hamster, two naughty dogs, and about 2,000 bees.
Facebook The Next Morning - Today is shaping up to be much better than yesterday! After a day of dealing with dead hamsters, indoor bee's nests, and broken light fixtures, I woke up this morning to find Bill home! Today he gets to bury the hamster, kill the bees and fix the lights. Me? I'm gonna write a story about it.
Copyright © Jody Hoffman 2011
Posted at 06:30 AM in Adult Beverages, Complete Chaos, Sports, The Dogs, The Mall, We have SO many kids, What in the world could have possibly possesed us to buy hamsters?!?!?!, Why I Need a Nanny, Why I'm not writing a cooking blog | Permalink | Comments (1)
Tags: bees nest, Brady Bunch, Concession Stands, Dad business trips, daily planner, Facebook, Freakin' Hamsters, Hot dogs in crescent rolls, JC Penney, Preschool Color Unit, Soccer, Special K
A few weeks ago, Bill came trudging upstairs with yet another load of laundry. At the top of the steps, he found 6 children in various stages of chaos and undress, 2 dogs yapping away and chewing on shoes, and his wife very close to a complete mental breakdown.
“I think,” he observed calmly, “that you should write a story about this.”
Why in the world, I wondered, would I ever want to keep thinking about the bedtime insanity routine after it is all over?
Because, dear readers, you like hearing about how completely nuts it is over here, and I like keeping you entertained. So here goes.
The story starts at 7:00pm on a typical Wednesday night in my home. The children are each currently concentrating on completely destroying one section of the house. Sam is taking every toy out in the playroom in an effort to find his lost cell phone. Levi is pulling each of my necklaces down off the hooks so that he can tie them all in an intricate knot that will never be untied. Gabby has climbed up onto my dressing room table and is giving herself a haircut with my nail scissors. The 9-year-olds are deep in conversation about planning outfits for tomorrow, which of course means they have emptied their closet.
I am in the kitchen, surveying the damage done by dinner and talking myself out of taking a glass of wine out to the deck and pretending I’m single.
Then I realize that we still have to make lunches, lay out clothes, bathe and pajamafy the kids and then figure out how to get them into bed and make them stay there. I call Bill up from the basement where he has been hiding doing laundry. “Ready?” I ask…
The truth is that an army boot camp could not prepare anyone for the next two hours, but we go in anyway.
We pack healthy, balanced lunches with the knowledge that they will be a) forgotten, b) thrown away or c) traded for candy the next day.
We lay out beautifully matched outfits, knowing full well that the children will wear whatever the heck they want, and probably spill something on whatever they pick before they even get out the door. Why do we even buy nice clothes anyway? We should just make coveralls out of those plastic tablecloths and just wipe ‘em down when they make a mess.
We herd piles of children into bathtubs and showers and try to get soap and water on them while at the same time NOT getting soap and water on the bathroom ceiling. (The floor is a lost cause.) We corral naked children towards bedrooms and wrestle them into pajamas.
We go downstairs for a few minutes to catch our breath, and when we come back up we find the children half-naked again, running around like nuts, inexplicably covered in paint! We re-bathe, concentrating less on the ceiling, because at this point who even cares. We re-pajamafy and this time stay focused until we get every single one into bed. Then we tuck, read, sing, kiss, hug, repeat times six. We sneak out of their rooms…
“Daddy! I thirsty!”
“Mommy! I can’t find Mr. Teddy!”
“Dad! Why can’t I wear the blue shirt tomorrow?”
“Mom! Did you count the hamsters tonight? I only see 3.”
“Daddy! More kiss please.”
“Mo-om! I forgot to do my science homework! It’s a 20 page research paper on static electricity that was assigned last week but I didn’t start it yet!”
Oh for goodness sakes. I’m going downstairs to do laundry hide with Bill. I hope you’re sufficiently entertained.
Epilogue: Sam found his cell phone one week the washing machine. Gabby has visited the hair salon and now has a lovely set of bangs. I have separated almost all of the necklaces that Levi tied up, and the contents of the girls' closet still reside on the floor of their room.
Posted at 07:38 AM in 12-Year-Olds, Adult Beverages, Complete Chaos, We have SO many kids, Why I Need a Nanny | Permalink | Comments (3)
Tags: army boot camp, Bedtime routine, laundry, science homework
Posted at 08:13 PM in Complete Chaos, School, We have SO many kids, Why I Need a Nanny, Wordless Wednesday | Permalink | Comments (6)
Tags: After-School Activities, Busy Family, Calendar, Scrapbook calendar
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